madison county
Missing since Mar. 1, 2014 // CAMDEN
Jackelyn Gomez-Coronado
Missing since Sep. 7, 2014 // CANTON
Kimberly Gomez-Coronado
Missing since Sep. 7, 2014 // CANTON
Evelin Coria-Coronado
Missing since Sep. 7, 2014 // CANTON
Mendy Coria-Coronado
Missing since Sep. 7, 2014 // CANTON
Mercin Lucas Martinez
Missing since Oct. 22, 2016 // CANTON
Jason alexander
missing since apr. 8, 2023 // ridgeland
Madison County Unidentified Persons
2005 John Doe (March 25, 2005)
Ridgeland, Mississippi
Black male
Adult (Pre-70)
Estimated Age Range: 60 - 65 Years
Height: 5’7’’ - 5’9’’
Weight: 165 - 175 lbs.
Hair: Black (Graying/Balding) with Spotty facial hair
Eyes: Brown
Distinguishing Feature(s): Mole under left eye
Wearing: black tennis shoes, black dress socks, gray full-length sweatpants over black full-length sweatpants, gray pullover sweatshirt, blue plaid zip-up jacket, and black knit cap
An unidentified male was found lying under an overpass by two hitchhikers
Investigating Agency Information:
Ridgeland Police Department
Agency Case #: 2005-003621
Namus ID#: UP122114