Timothy Sutton

Missing since: April 8, 2023

Black male

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Height: 6’1’’

Weight: 170 lbs.

Age (at time of disappearance): 36

Tattoo(s): Two black bands (left forearm)


Case Details:

Sutton last spoke with family and loved ones on April 8th, 2023. At the time of last contact, Sutton was in Gautier, Mississippi. He has not been seen or heard from since. After the time of last contact, Sutton’s vehicle was found abandoned on the side of Geed Chapman Road, off of Highway 45, in Waynesboro, Mississippi and was towed to the law enforcement impound lot. Sutton has had no further contact with family or loved ones who are concerned for his welfare. He remains missing at this time and his case is unsolved.

Investigating Agency Information:

Gautier Police Department


Case #: 2024010853

Wayne County Sheriff’s Department


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