Tineaka Banks

Missing since: October 2022

Black female (Light complexion)

Hair: Black

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5’6’’

Weight: 190-200 lbs.

Age (at time of disappearance): 38

Tattoo(s): sleeve tattoo & “Hood Rich” (on arm)

Dental(s): Gold teeth (top/bottom)

***Wears Glasses***

Case Details:

At the time of last contact, Banks was staying at the Diamond Inn Motel on Highway 80 in Jackson, Mississippi. She was dating a man in his late 50s from Crystal Springs, Mississippi that went by the name “Pero”. He was also staying at the motel with Banks at the time she was last spoken to. Banks has had no contact with family since October of 2022. Pero’s Family has not heard from him either. Banks’ family is concerned for her welfare. She remains missing at this time.

Investigating Agency Information:

Jackson Police Department


*** NOT ON NAMUS ***