harrison county
*** click photos for more information and case details ***
alan bourque
Missing since Mar. 9, 1970 // Keesler AFB
marguerite mayden
Missing since Apr. 30, 1980 // Biloxi
Rita stants
Missing since Jan. 1, 1983 // Gulfport
ruth barber
Missing since May 31, 1984 // Gulfport
tina walls
Missing since Jan. 26, 1987 // Gulfport
lenard jordan
Missing since Sep. 6, 1989 // Long Beach
Bruce knight
Missing since Nov. 27, 1989 // Saucier
carl matthews
Missing since Oct. 5, 1991 // Gulfport
timothy waldrop
Missing since Feb. 1, 1992 // Gulfport
genevieve munoz
Missing since Jun. 11, 1994 // Biloxi
daniel “jack” Fisher
Missing since July 1994 // Long Beach
ronda harney
Missing since Jul. 21, 1994 // Biloxi
alicia allen
Missing since May 16, 1995 // Biloxi
angela williams
Missing since Jul. 10, 1995 // Pass Christian
thomas hall
Missing since Jun. 17, 1996 // D’Iberville
larry gates
Missing since Late 97/Early 98 // Gulfport
robin smith
Missing since Sep. 2, 1998 // Gulfport
daniel dutton
Missing since Jul. 8, 2000 // Long Beach
brian martin
Missing since Dec. 1, 2000 // Biloxi
paul king
Missing since Dec. 17, 2001 // Gulfport
Harold elmhorst
Missing since May 16, 2005 // Biloxi
eddie carl burden
Missing since Jul. 11, 2007 // Biloxi
my dung thai tran
missing since oct. 4, 2009 // biloxi
jimmy brantley
Missing since 2009 // Gulfport
oscar wilcher
Missing since Dec. 25, 2013 // Gulfport
ivory lewis
Missing since Jan. 23, 2014 // Gulfport
Moriah ludwig
Missing since Oct. 31, 2014 // Gulfport
desiray wangle
Missing since Jun. 1, 2017 // Gulfport
allen turner
Missing since Jun. 10, 2019 // Gulfport
tommie harris
Missing since Jul. 1, 2019 // Saucier
robert moran
Missing since Jul. 14, 2019 // Pass Christian
brennan simolke
Missing since Jul. 24, 2019 // DeLisle
Rodrigo Gutierrez
Missing since: May 11, 2023 // Biloxi
Edward mccormack
missing aug. 31, 2023 // Gulfport
missing since Sep. 14, 2023 // Gulfport
Collin Eustice
missing since Dec. 7, 2023 // Saucier
Lindsey Griffin
Missing since Jun. 27, 2024 // Gulfport
Heather Davidson
Missing since Dec. 20, 2024 // Biloxi
harrison county unidentified persons
1969 charity doe (august 20, 1969)
pass christian, mississippi
white female
Adult (Pre-60)
height: 5’0’’ - 5’3’’
weight: 105 - 115 lbs.
jewelry: four rings and earrings found on body
jane doe is known as “charity”. she was found with two other unidentified women, known as faith and hope. the women were found in an apartment complex after hurricane camille pass over the gulf coast. some sources state that one of the women may have been found in city hall. it is possible that the three women knew one another. all women are buried in evergreen cemetery in gulfport, mississippi. the woman’s face was unrecognizable due to decomposition.
investigating agency information:
pass christian police department
1969 hope doe (August 20, 1969)
pass christian, mississippi
white female
adult (Pre-40)
weight: 130 - 140 lbs.
clothing: white blouse, green slacks, and black rubber boots
known as hope doe. woman was found with two other unidentified women, faith and charity. the women were found in an apartment complex but some reports state that one of the women may have been found in city hall. it is possible that the women were friends with one another. all three women are buried in evergreen cemetery in gulfport. hope was found unrecognizable due to traumatic injuries sustained during the hurricane.
investigating agency information:
pass christian police department
1969 faith doe (august 20, 1969)
pass christian, mississippi
white female
adult (pre-70)
height: 5’7’’ - 5’9’’
weight: 130 - 140 lbs.
clothing: paisley pull over dress
known as faith doe. the woman was found with two other unidentified women, known as charity and hope. the women were found in an apartment complex, though some reports state one of the women may have been found in city hall. it is possible the women knew one another. all women are buried in the evergreen cemetery in gulfport, mississippi. faith’s body sustained traumatic injuries from hurricane camille and was found unrecognizable.
investigating agency information:
pass christian police department
1975 infant doe (march 22, 1975)
pass christian, mississippi
uncertain race/uncertain sex
infant (less than one month)
estimated year of death: 1975
Hair: brown
infant found floating in a bayou by fishermen on march 22nd, 1975. a report states that the infant appeared to be less than one month old and could have possibly been a female. all parts of the baby were recovered but were unrecognizable due to decomposition.
investigating agency information:
harrison county sheriff’s department
1975 john doe (september 14, 1975)
harrison county, mississippi
unknown race male
unknown height
unknown weight
torso only recovered floating openly in the gulf of mexico. head and limbs not recovered. body was decomposing.
investigating agency information:
harrison county sheriff’s department
1979 john doe (June 16, 1979)
gulfport, mississippi
white male
estimated age range: 20 - 30 years old
Weight: 130 - 150 pounds
estimated year of death: 1979
Hair: long, red/auburn
clothing: wearing an elderado short sleeved shirt (size 20, neck size: 14-14.5), pants were red, white, and blue vertical striped (size: 33x29), black leather belt, shoes had brown leather soles (size: 6). Wallet was found but had no contents. timex watch with leather alligator type bands also found on body.
subject was located in the water on the beach south of the intersection of highway 90 and 36th avenue. the man had drowned and was pulled from the water by police. there was no evidence of foul play. the male was totally recovered and has a recognizable face.
investigating agency information:
gulfport police department
1980 jane doe (november 10, 1980)
biloxi, mississippi
white female
estimated age range: 19 - 25 years old
estimated year of death: 1979 - 1980
Height: 5’2’’
unknown weight
Hair: Brown (medium length)
estimated post-mortem interval: 18 months
on november 10th, 1980, hunters found the skeletal remains of a white female in the woods near a small creek. it is estimated she had been there between 3 - 18 months. her cause of death is unknown but homicide is suspected. facial reconstruction is available. all parts recovered but she was not recognizable due to being nearly completely skeletonized.
deformity: possibly pigeon chested and/or humpbacked (may not have been outwardly apparent during life)
other distinctive physical characteristics: remains had an extra flange for the external pterygoid muscle, which would be caused by playing a wind instrument. she was likely right handed. had no term or near term children at the time of death.
investigating agency information:
harrison county sheriff’s department
1983 John Doe
Harrison County, Mississippi
Unknown Race Male
Adult (Pre-50)
Cannot estimate weight
Height: 5’5’’ - 6’2’’
No known discovery date or location. Case number written on remains suggests date of 1983. Remains were retrieved from an out-of-state institution in 2022.
Not recognizable — Near complete or complete skeleton
Investigating Agency Information:
Mississippi Bureau of investigation
1984 Jane Doe
Harrison County, Mississippi
Unknown Race Female
Adult (Cannot estimate age range)
Cannot Estimate weight
Height: 4’11’’ - 5’5’’
Unknown date of discovery or location. Case marked with an identifying number (84-2) which suggests 1984 case sent to Tennessee for analysis.
Not recognizable — near complete or complete skeleton
Investigating Agency Information:
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation
1987 john doe (january 29, 1987)
saucier, mississippi
white male
estimated age range: 18 - 30 years old
Height: 5’6’’
Weight: 130 pounds
estimated year of death: 1987
hair: brown (most of his hair was burnt off but there was a patch that was about two inches long.)
eyes: brown
physical characteristics: male had slim build. his fingernails were extensively burnt. toenails were short and kept.
clothing: possibly a brown, pullover style sweater, “Chick” jeans (believed to be women’s jeans), and white athletic socks with red and blue stripes.
young adult male was found in a wooded area of a residential property near the road. all parts of his body were recovered but were unrecognizable due to being burned and charred.
investigating agency information:
harrison county sheriff’s department
1993 Jane Doe (December 21, 1993)
gulfport, mississippi
white female
unknown height
unknown weight
estimated year of death: 1993
estimated post-mortem interval: 1 day
on december 21st, 1993, a female infant’s body was located near a ditch by a motorist whose vehicle had broken down. the baby’s umbilical cord was still attached. the baby girl was found on interstate-10 about 3/4 of a mile west of exit 38. it is estimated that the baby was born on december 20th, 1993. all parts were recovered and the baby’s face was recognizable at the time of discovery.
investigating agency information:
harrison county sheriff’s department
1994 John Doe
Harrison County, Mississippi
Unknown race male
Adult (Pre-50)
Cannot estimate weight
Height: 5’0’’ - 5’8’’
Discovery date and original jurisdiction are unknown. Documentation associated with the case suggests 1994. Provenience is unknown. Case was retrieved from an out-of-state institution in 2022. Post cranial remains only; cranial remains unavailable for examination. Preliminary DNA suggests male biological sex.
Investigating Agency Information:
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation
Jane Doe (Possibly 1994)
Harrison County, Mississippi
Unknown Race Female
Adult (No Estimated Age Range)
Cannot Estimate Weight
Cannot Estimate Height
Unknown date or location of discovery. Cranial remains only. Possibly found in 1994 as identifying number “94-41” was associated with remains. Consistent with Mississippi case sent to Tennessee practitioner for analysis.
Investigating Agency Information:
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation
2000 john doe (august 8, 2000)
gulfport, mississippi
asian male
estimated age range: 20 - 35 years old
height: 5’11’’
weight: 165 pounds
hair: brown
eyes: brown
had slight goatee and mustache
scar(s): scar on lower right of abdomen
clothes: white shirt, black nylon shorts, flip-flops.
on august 8th, 2000, the body of a male was located along the beach around the 2600 block beach drive in gulfport, mississippi. all parts were recovered and his face was recognizable.
investigating agency information:
gulfport police department
Jane Doe (Pre-2006)
Harrison county, Mississippi
Unknown Race Female
Adult (Cannot estimate Age Range)
Cannot estimate Height
Cannot Estimate Weight
Discovery date and location are unknown, although they most likely pre-date 2006. No provenience or additional information associated with the case. Cranial Remains were retrieved from an out-of-state institution in 2022. Preliminary DNA testing suggests female biological sex.
Investigating Agency Information:
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation
John Doe (Pre-2006)
Unknown Race Male
Adult (Pre-40)
Cannot Estimate Weight
Height: 5’6’’ - 6’2’’ (Estimated)
Discovery date and location are unknown, although they most likely pre-date 2006. No provenience or additional information associated with the case. Post-Cranial remains were retrieved from an out-of-state institution in 2022. Preliminary DNA testing confirms biological sex estimate of male.
Investigating Agency Information:
Mississippi Bureau of INvestigation
2007 john doe (september 3, 2007)
harrison county, mississippi
white male
estimated age range: 50 - 70 years old
height: 6’0’’
weight: 185 lbs.
estimated year of death: 2007
estimated post-mortem interval: 5 days
hair: gray or partially gray (bald on top but had approximately 4 inch long gray hair around the back/sides of head)
Physical characteristic(s): 3 missing teeth in the front
scar(s): scar on middle of chin (branching scar), curved scar on left of elbow (3/4’’ in length), 3 scars on right knee from orthoscopic surgery, right index fingertip (fingertip possibly is shorter due to damage), long ovioid scar about 4.5 inches in length below elbow.
wearing: blue or black “Class club” brand shorts (size: 20). based on the brand and size the shorts are believed to be boys size, not men’s. there was no other clothing on the body.
on september 3, 2007, a boater found a male body floating in the gulf of mexico, about 6 miles south of the mississippi coast coliseum in Harrison county, mississippi. autopsy revealed that the remains were a white male aged 50 - 70 years. all parts of the male were recovered but he was unrecognizable due to decomposition.
investigating agency INFORMATION:
harrison county sheriff’s department
2018 John Doe
Biloxi, Mississippi
Unknown Race Male
Adult (Pre-50)
Unknown Height
Unknown Weight
Case Details:
Cranial remains returned to State medical examiners office in 2018. date and location of discovery are unknown. No provenience whatsoever.
Investigating AgEncy Information:
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation
Jane Doe
Harrison County, Mississippi
Unknown Race Female
Adult (Pre-50)
Cannot Estimate Weight
Height: 5’1’’ - 5’7’’ (Estimated)
Unknown date of discovery and location. Case retrieved from out-of-state institution in 2022. Very limited post-cranial remains available for examination. No cranial remains. Preliminary DNA results suggest female biological sex.
Investigating Agency Information:
Mississippi Bureau of Investigation