issaquena county unidentified persons

1994 john doe (june 5, 1994)

issaquena county, mississippi

white male


estimated age range: 20 - 30 years old

height: 5’2’’

weight: 130 pounds

estimated year of death: 1994

estimated post-mortem interval: weeks

hair: black


body of a white male was found partially submerged in steele bayou. body was incomplete when recovered. one or both hands were unrecovered. the man’s body is unrecognizable due to decomposition.

distinguishing characteristic(s): male has a deviated septum

investigating agency information:

mississippi state medical examiner’s office


namus id#: up4758

2023 Doe (January 16, 2023)

Issaquena County, Mississippi (Near Warren County Line)

Leg bone found in boot near Steele Bayou near the Issaquena/Warren County line. No further information is available. These unidentified remains have not been entered into Namus at this time.

investigating agency information:

mississippi state medical examiner’s office
